
This document goes over the specific steps the compiler takes to semantically process expressions. The rest of the document will refer to the following snippet for its examples.

module pkg.mod;

global int var;
alias aliasType = int;
alias aliasVar = var;
int func() { return 4; }
@property int propGet() { return 4; }
int ufcs(int val) { return val; }
int ufcs(Foo f) { return f.val; }

global Foo fooInstance;

class Foo
	global Foo staticVar;

	int val;
	Foo field;
	@property Foo prop() { return this; }
	void doSomething() {}


General Exp Notes

Verify that the expression has a side-effect. This can be done on the Context if an expression has a side-effect (function calls and the like set the flag).

Verify an expression is a value with isValueExp(), it should assume that the given exp has verified its own children. So BinOp and the like should be considered values.


Examples of checking an IdentifierExp. If an identifier isn’t found this is an error, we should not check if the IdentifierExp value is directly turned into a value since it can be used to lookup types e.g. aliasType.max.

var = invalidSymbol; // error: No identifier 'invalidSymbol' found.
var = pkg;           // error: Package 'pkg' used as a value.
var = pkg.mod;       // error: Module 'pkg.mod' used as a value.
var = aliasType;     // error: Type 'aliasType' (ake 'int') used as value.
var = Foo;           // error: Type 'Foo' (ake 'test.Foo') used as value.
var = aliasVar;
var = propGet;
var = func;          // error: <implicit conversion error>
var = func();

Examples of checking side-effects.

aliasVar;   // error: Expression has no effect.
var;        // error: Expression has no effect.
func;       // error: Expression has no effect.



When talking about postfix identifiers we’ll introduce the concept of postfix identifier chains (in this context known as chains) to better explain and more clearly show the operations done on postfix identifiers. Consider the following code, it is a long chain starting with an IdentifierExp and ends before the call.


The first thing we need to do is find where the chain goes from looking up symbols in scopes to a variable or property function, this is done from left to right. In the IR this is done from the inner most child out.

After that we need to do other types of checking and transformation. In the case above we should check that the field exists in the staticVar’s Type and that it is an instance type. The prop identifier should be transformed into a call. For ufcs we need to have the postfix call to correctly resolve the function lookup and checking.


In the compiler we can only call CreateDelegateExp and ExpReferences pointing to functions, variables with a type of a function or a delegate. CreateDelegateExp is a internal ir node created from a postfix identifier.
