Chapter 8 - User Defined Types

Volt has several facilities for users to create more complex custom types.


An enum is one or more constants. They are perhaps the simplest user defined type, but they come in many forms.

	D = 4,

The outer body is the enum, and the inner members are called ‘enum declarations’. In this case, A is 0, B is 1, and C is 2, and D is 4 all typed as i32.

If an enum isn’t given an explicit base type, it uses i32. If a member isn’t given an explicit assign (like D) above, then if it is the first member it is as if it were = 0, and then for all following members it is as if it were = <the previous enum declaration> + 1. So if we were to add E to our enum above, it would get the value D + 1, or 5.

We can give a name to our enum, and explicitly set the base type (the type that all the enum declarations are).

enum Name : i64
	Declaration = 32,

And so in the above case, Name.Declaration is an i64 with a value of 32.

Since enums have to be known at compile time, they’re a convenient way of declaring constants. There is a shortcut syntax that allows you to simply declare individual enum declarations:

enum ErrorCode = 1;
enum ErrorString = "hello";
enum i64 val = 32;

The compiler will infer the type from the assign expression, or you can explicitly set it by writing it after enum. You can use non integer based enums in regular enums too:

enum ErrorMessages
	FileNotFound = "file not found",
	OutOfMemory  = "out of memory",

Naturally, if the enum base is not an integer, then every assign statement must be filled in. That is to say, this wouldn’t fly:

enum ErrorMessages
	FileNotFound = "file not found",
	OutOfMemory  = "out of memory",
	UnknownError  // Error, no assign!

Other than that, the usual enum restriction of the assign expressions being evaluable at compile time applies.


A struct is a bunch of variables bundled with functions that operate on those variables.


struct Person
	age: i32;
	name: string;
	fn introduceSelf()
		writefln("Hello, I'm %s and I'm %s years old.", name, age);

fn main() i32
	cindy: Person; = "Cindy";
	cindy.age = 22;
	return 0;


Hello, I'm Cindy and I'm 22 years old.

There’s not a lot more to it. They can be passed around, assigned to, just like a primitive type. Note that structs are ‘value’ types – if you pass one into a function without using pointers or ref, and modify the fields, the struct is copied, and the caller doesn’t see anything change.


struct S
	x: i32;

fn twiddle(s: S)
	s.x = 12;

fn main() i32
	s: S;
	s.x = 6;
	writeln(s.x);  // Not 12!
	return 0;




Unions are identical to structs in most ways and declared in an identical fashion.

struct S
	a: i32;
	b: i64;

union U
	a: i32;
	b: i64;

If we were to layout S in memory, it would look like this:

[a _ _ _][b _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

(Depending on your system, there may be padding between a and b. That’s not important right now.) But if we were to show U:

[b[a _ _ _] _ _ _ _]

All the fields on a union are in the same piece of memory. So the size of a struct with 10 i8 fields will be 10 bytes, but a union with the same 10 i8 fields will be 1 bytes in size. Assigning to one field will change the others. This can be useful if you have a type that is in one of several exclusive configurations, but you want to save on memory.


A full description and tutorial on object oriented programming is beyond this documentation’s scope. If you’re interested in learning more, the wiki page on it is a good place to start. That said, the simple utility of classes should make itself apparent.


class Person
	fn sayHello()
		writeln("I am a person. Hi!");

class Doctor : Person
	override fn sayHello()
		writeln("I am a person who is also a doctor. Hi!");

fn main() i32
	p1: Person = new Person();
	p2: Person = new Doctor();
	return 0;


I am a person. Hi!
I am a person who is also a doctor. Hi!

Doctor is said to ‘inherit’ from Person: it is a ‘child class’.

You will note that p2 is declared as a Person, not a Doctor, but because it was initialised with a Doctor object, the Doctor greeting is used when sayHello is called. Class functions are known as ‘methods’, and can be ‘overriden’. So if you have a Person object, you don’t know exactly what it’s going to do when you call sayHello. It might use the regular greeting, or a different one.

Unlike structs, classes are always ‘reference’ types.

p: Person;
p.sayHello();  // This crashes as p is null.

The default value of an object is null. Trying to call a function or look up a variable of a null object will cause a crash.

We can give values to objects when they’re being constructed by defining a ‘constructor’.


class IntDoubler
	x: i32;
	this(x: i32)
		this.x = x * 2;

fn main() i32
	//id := new IntDoubler();  // Error: expected i32 argument
	id := new IntDoubler(32);
	return 0;




A class can only inherit from one parent. An interface is a series of methods that a class can implelement so that it can be treated as an ‘instance’ of those interfaces.


interface IntGetter
	fn getInt() i32;

interface StringGetter
	fn getString() string;

class TheClass : IntGetter, StringGetter
	override fn getInt() i32
		return 1;
	override fn getString() string
		return "watermelon";

fn doInt(ig: IntGetter)

fn doString(sg: StringGetter)

fn main() i32
	tc := new TheClass();
	return 0;



The doInt and doString functions do not need to know that the class TheClass exists. It implements the interface it cares about, and that’s good enough. This allows you to compartmentalise your class designs.

Operator Overloading

When working with builtin types, we can use natural ‘operators’, like + to perform addition, or [3] to look up the third item in an array. It can be useful to make our classes and structs use the same operators; obj + obj can be more succinct than obj.add(obj).

To implement these operators, we define a member function with a name corresponding to the operator we wish to overload. When our type is involved in an operation with an operator, the compiler will check to see if the function for that operation has been defined. If it has, it will rewrite the expression to call your code. A simple example:

struct Point2D
	x, y: i32;
	fn opAdd(p: Point2D) Point2D
		result: Point2D;
		result.x = this.x + p.x;
		result.y = this.y + p.y;
		return result;

fn main() i32
	a, b: Point2D;
	a.x = 12; b.x = 6;
	c := a + b;  // c is a Point2D with an x of 18 and a y of 0.
	return 0;

Now we will go over the operators that can be overloaded, and the function name to use. If the type is unspecified, then it can be most anything – the same type, a primitive, etc: whatever makes sense for that object and operator. If the return type of a function is not explicitly mentioned, it can be anything too, not just void.

Binary Operator Overloads

== uses fn opEquals(a) bool, where a is the right side of the equation.

+ uses fn opAdd(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

- uses fn opSub(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

* uses fn opMul(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

/ uses fn opDiv(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

+= uses fn opAddAssign(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

-= uses fn opSubAssign(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

*= uses fn opMulAssign(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

/= uses fn opDivAssign(a), where a is the right side of the equation.

>=, >, <, and <= all use fn opCmp(a) i32, where a is the right side of the equation, and the result is less than 0 if the object that opCmp belongs to is less than the argument, more than 1 if it’s greater, and 0 in all other cases.

Postfix Operator Overloads

[] uses fn opIndex(a) where a is the value that is in the brackets, indexing the object.

[a .. b] uses fn opSlice(a, b) where a is the left portion of the slice, and b is the right portion.

If you’re assigning to any of the above two (e.g. you have opIndex defined and you do s[0] = 3) then Volt will look for opIndexAssign and opSliceAssign, which will take the right hand side of the assign as their last argument. Their return types must match the opIndex or opSlice function. Assign operators like += or -= will be rewritten so that the last argument is what you’d expect.

e.g. s[0] -= 5 is rewritten to s.opIndexAssign(0, s.opIndex(0) - 5).

$, while not strictly a postfix operator, only occurs in index operations, and can be overloaded using fn opDollar().

Unary Operator Overloads

- uses fn opNeg(). Note that this is the unary minus (a := -obj;), not the binary subtraction operator.